08131733447, 08131734161 info@uch-ibadan.org.ng Mon - Sun: 24 Hours

Contact Info


Emergency Services: When coming with emergency conditions, adults should go to our emergency Department while children should be taken to the Otunba Tunwase Children Emergency Ward.  Pregnant women with Emergency Ward. Pregnant women with Emergency conditions presenting between 8am and 5pmshould be taken to the emergency room in the Antenatal Clinic but after 5pm, pregnant women needing emergency attention will be treated at the Emergency Department

Routine Medical Services: All non-emergency conditions with referral letters, [depending on the cases], should go to the appropriate clinic you are referred to namely: Surgical Outpatient [SOP], Eye Clinic, Ear Nose and Throat [ENT], Children Out-Patient [MOP], Antenatal Clinic [ANC], Sexual Transmitted Disease [STD], Haematology Day Care [HDC], Radiotherapy, Dental Center and CTAGC, Most of our clinics are located close to the main gate of the hospital.

If you do not have a referral letter, please go to the Family Medicine Department where initial assessment will be carried out and, if necessary, you will be referred to a specialist clinic in the hospital.

Registration: if this is your first time, please approach the nursing staff at the desk who will give necessary direction and information to enable you register at the Central Health Records Department Payment for registration is done inside the Central Health Records where the registration is carried out.  Thereafter a Records officer will lead you back to your clinic with your new case file.  All you then need to do is to wait for the Nurse [or her assistant] to carry our some preliminary assessment like your weight, height, vital signs, after which you will be led to sit close to the consulting room of your doctor and be invited into the room once it is your turn.  Please be patient and cooperate with our staff.

Follow-up Visit: Follow-up patients ,i.e. those that have been seen before and given appointments need not be register again but should simply submit their blue [appointment] cards to the record officer in the clinics they attend and wait to be called, first by records officer who then hands them over to the nurse and the process continues as above.  Please ensure you arrive at lease 30 minutes before the appointment time written on your blue card.

At the end of your consultation, please go back to the nursing desk again to be directed appropriately.  Proceeding from here depends on any or a combination of the following activities you would have been directed to do by your doctor: [1] carry out laboratory tests [2] go for a procedure including surgery [3] procure medications/drugs at pharmacy or/and [4] be admitted into the wards.  The nurse will furnish you with initial costs of any of the aforementioned activities if they are available to him or her.

Payment for Services: There are several pay po9intws around the hospital to make the settling of your bills as convenient as possible.  Please obtain the costing of any of the services [apart from medications/drugs] from the nurse or any other designated official in the clinic and proceed to pay at the closet pay point.  For medication/drugs, you need to obtain the actual costing from the pharmacist’s desk in the clinic [or Central Pharmacy] before you proceed to pay.  Please ensure you obtain receipts of payment after which you can proceed to access the services, e.g. go back to collect medicines in pharmacy or do tests in laboratories. Our staff, including doctors, nurses, service development officers other clinic assistants are available for guidance and description to various points you may need to visit.  Also you can call the Servicom Officers through numbers displayed in conspicuous places in the hospital if you have complaints regarding any issue about our services.  Before leaving the clinic, please remember to present a slip of your next appointment [which your doctor would have given you] at the records office at the clinic where you were attended to so that your appointment can be appropriately documented.

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